What is Reiki Massage?
Reiki is a holistic therapy which is directed towards energizing and healing the CHAKRAS, the psychophysical energy centers of the body.
The term “reiki” itself is a japanase word for “universal energy”. It uses a technique known as hands-on-healing, through which therapists transfer “chi” (life force energy) through the palms, promoting self-healing and a state of equilibrium for the recipient.
A state of DEEP RELAXATION combined with a general feeling of overall well-being are the most noticeable effects of a reiki treatment.
Other common benefits include:
improved heart rate and blood pressure reduced anxiety and pain improvement of symptoms pertaining to fatigue and depression acceleration of natural healing, breaking through emotional blockages a sense of spiritual connection as well as enhanced self-esteem.

A reiki treatment balances subtle body energies and supports all other medical modalities, including traditional therapies. Once you have received one or two treatments, the pathways through which Reiki flows within your energy system will open, and your Reiki will begin flowing stronger than ever.

A licensed holistic massage therapist since 2009, Adriana is certified in REIKI TUMMO (Tibetan Reiki healing) from the Chakrasamvara Buddhist Temple in Miami, as well as first and second degree USUI SHIKI RYOHO system of reiki healing (from Judith Spriggens, Usui Reiki master and director of Siddha Yoga Center in Miami).